The benefits of essential oils for curly hair

huiles essentielles pour cheveux

Our curls are constantly attacked by pollution, limescale, coloring, brushing... Not to mention the many treatments we use, which damage the hair fiber, attack and suffocate our scalp with harmful components. But there are other alternatives to conventional hair care to take care of your curly hair naturally, such as aromatherapy (taking care of yourself with essential oils).

Taking care of my curly hair with essential oils

Excellent for taking care of your health but also your hair health, we recommend you to adopt essential oils for curly hair! Essential oils are not only used to perfume hair care products or oil baths; they are very powerful and are known for their repairing and protective benefits. They are ideal for promoting hair growth, strengthening the hair fiber and soothing a damaged scalp. They help fight against dandruff and hair loss, and they also have the power to act on hair that is too oily, too dry, fine or dull.
To do this, you will need to analyze your hair's needs (which are constantly changing) in order to take care of it effectively!
 (Please note that essential oils for curly hair are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as for children under the age of 3).

How do I use essential oils on my hair?

First of all, it is important to never apply pure essential oils directly to our hair. They must always be diluted in a liquid or oily base!
You can use essential oils in different ways:


Create a massage oil for your scalp by mixing a vegetable oil with the essential oils that suit your hair's current needs (1 to 2 drops of essential oils for curly hair to 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil). Apply the mixture to your scalp before shampooing and massage gently.


Mix in a neutral shampoo up to 20 drops of essential oils (for 10cl of shampoo) and shampoo your hair as with a classic shampoo.


By mixing a vegetable oil with a few drops of essential oils of your choice, you can create a mask to apply to your hair, leave on for 15 minutes to overnight, then rinse off. The longer you leave the mask on, the more effective it will be.


Feel free to add essential oils for curly hair to your usual hair care spray, just a few drops are enough for regular use!

Which essential oils for my curly hair?

Essential oils all have a specific beauty action, so there are some for all hair types and all the problems they may encounter!
Here is our selection of essential oils to enhance your curly, frizzy or frizzy hair.


This essential oil is known for its anti-oxidant, purifying and toning properties. It invigorates and softens the scalp, reduces flakes and dry dandruff during shampooing. Essential oils for curly hair help fight against hair loss. Ideal for dry and curly hair because it stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, which leads to healthier, stronger and shinier hair.


Rich in amino acids and carbohydrates, it strengthens the hair follicle and the hair. Anti-free radicals, this essential oil protects against environmental aggressions. It neutralizes limestone in water. And we love its wonderful citrus aroma.


Originaire de Chine, cette huile est riche en linalol, un alcool monoterpénique. En plus de son odeur boisée, très appréciée en parfumerie, elle offre des vertus toniques, revitalisantes et purifiantes. Une bonne alternative à l'huile essentielle de bois de rose.


Hair active with woody notes, the essential oil of Atlas Cedar is known to fight against hair loss and eliminate dandruff. It also has the power to fight against oily hair by regulating the sebum of the scalp.
Essential oils for curly hair will become your precious beauty allies for curls always more silky!

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