Farrah - Happy Hair

Farrah, naturopathe
Farah is a nathuropath based in Bordeaux. Find her news on her blog.

So, tell us about yourself?

I am Farah, Happy Naturopath, passionate about holistic and natural health, and in particular about healthy eating, personal development, natural beauty and Body & Mind practices, among others.
After a sunny childhood in Morocco and a career in business school / consulting / large groups in France and Europe, I decided to listen to my little voice. Indeed, it appeared to me that my vision of life, my passion for helping others, personal ecology and my favorite subjects are embodied in naturopathy, an art of living that immediately resonated with my deep nature. Indeed, the term naturopathy comes from "nature" and "path" in English, which means the way. For me, it is the path towards one's own nature. So I trained at the Institut Supérieur de Naturopathie in Paris (ISUPNAT) from which I graduated.

And do you have a relationship with your hair?

Yes, I like it a lot but in an unequal way :) I have a special relationship with the strands that surround my face which seem to come from another world than the rest of my hair: they are different, untamable, not conciliatory, sometimes very annoying and impossible to hide. I always thought that my hair was a good match for my personality: wise in appearance, with a big grain... of madness, rebellion and slingshot that is hard to ignore because it surrounds what identifies me the most, my face.

And since I read that hair was once considered to be an antenna of wisdom and magic - that's why old sages, magicians, druids and other shamans let it grow - I don't see it the same way anymore. I try to accept its peculiarity, but it depends on the day, because it requires a special care, which I have not yet fully understood.

How would you describe your hair?

Most of my hair is fine and more or less wavy depending on the time of year and humidity (type 2A for those who know the classification), and around the face it is still fine but forms very tight curls type 3BVery very difficult to find a consistent and easy to maintain style and cut with this incongruous configuration haha! I'm still looking for the solution, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!!!

We are in June: as a Naturopath, what are your advices?

You have to know that hair, as well as nails, teeth, bones, are mineral reserves in which the body will draw minerals when it lacks them. This is why, as soon as we feel less fit, we can see it directly in our hair and nails. Thus, a good state of global health is directly reflected on the state of the hair (nails and skin). This is why my first piece of advice concerns lifestyle, and the care we take from the inside through a healthy and balanced diet, in order to provide all the elements necessary for beautiful hair in terms of macronutrients and micronutrients: filling up on fresh fruit and vegetables every day, proteins and quality fats, is essential; I insist on quality which will also ensure a supply of minerals, vitamins and trace elements. In addition, we should limit the usual daily acidifiers such as coffee, black tea, alcohol, chocolate, refined sugar, trans fats & hydrogenated, white cereals ...

Having a healthy lifestyle also means taking care of your sleep and managing your stress level, because these two parameters have a significant influence on the assimilation of healthy foods that you have made the effort to eat, on the level of minerals (stress for example overconsumes minerals, disturbs digestion ...). Poor quality sleep does not allow the body to cleanse and regenerate itself in the evening as it should. 

Once the basic hygiene of life is in place, it is possible to bring an external help, by opting for example for natural supplements rich in vitamins B, A, and C, iron, zinc, sulfur, silica, MSM, biotin, etc... this includes brewer's yeast, royal jelly and pollen, organic silicon, specific complexes for hair...

For my part, my favorite thing to do in the spring is to opt for this treasure of nature that is fresh birch sap. A gentle detoxifier and above all a remineralizing, antioxidant and revitalizing agent, it contains all the energy of spring that comes up in the tree after the rigors of winter. It is a bomb of minerals, enzymes and amino acids, excellent for health in general and particularly for the hair because of its richness in silica. Choose fresh and unpasteurized for a 21-day treatment.

As a complement, I recommend taking spirulina or klamath after the birch sap cure, to benefit from the incredible benefits of these microalgae rich in proteins, powerful antioxidants, iron and B vitamins among others. They also have a prism that goes beyond hair, and strengthens the body in a global way.

As far as hair care is concerned, I'm a naturalist. When it comes to shampoo, no sulfates, parabens, silicones, and other junk, especially for curls. In addition, moisturize and nourish regularly in depth by listening to its hair according to its nature and its need of the moment. Nourish with oils and vegetable fats (avocado, eggs, vegetable oils) and moisturize with honey, aloe vera, agave syrup, oatmeal cream... Finally, boost these preparations with essential oils (Atlas cedar, Saint Thomas berry, rosemary verbenone, ylang ylang), and if you are motivated, with plant powders (marshmallow, clay, sidr, shikakai, neutral henna...).

Do not hesitate to rub the scalp regularly to stimulate growth, with or without oil.

Finally, especially for curly hair, swap the classic towel for a microfiber towel or a soft tshirt, and limit drying and heat to a maximum.

That's it for part of the program (but we could talk about it for hours) 😉

We have 3 favorite questions

Your hair top ? 

This one is very random, it happens in spring or summer, just after a good home-made mask, when I let my hair air dry and it expresses its poetic with nice curls and well defined waves, without frizzing everywhere :)

Your hair flop ?

When I was a pre-teen, I was so sick of my antennas around my face that I cut them off, except I forgot that there was regrowth to deal with haha! What a stupid thing to do at this age :) It was easier to accept them and find a way to tame them (well, it's still work in progress... 

Your hair tips ? 

The easy & opportunistic oil bath : I like to coat my hair with a mixture of oils just before cardio sessions, I feel like with the overheating of my head (I get all red as soon as I do cardio :)) it works better and faster than a heating towel, and it's less of a hassle than finding the time to do this oil bath at home :)

Shaeri ❤️ Farrah

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