March 8, International Women's Rights Day

Le 8 mars c'est quoi ?

What is International Women's Rights Day?

Since 1977, we have celebrated International Women's Rights Day on March 8 every year.

This day reminds us that women's rights are still far from being achieved. Wages, family life, daily life, physical or verbal violence, everywhere in the world women still suffer inequalities and atrocities.

How is this day celebrated?

Since the feminist movements of the beginning of the 20th century in Europe and the United States, the United Nations decided to formalize a date in 1977 to celebrate the courage of these women. This day is meant to remember the struggles that all women have fought and some are still fighting. Women's rights are still not taken for granted, March 8th is an opportunity to remember so that we never forget.

A political struggle

Even today, only 10 countries in the world have a woman as head of state.

Only 21% of government ministers are women. And in some countries, women are not even allowed to govern.

A personal struggle

Inequalities are present in all areas:

- Women's wages are 24% lower than men's in France.

- Women hold 78% of part-time jobs.

- Household chores are mainly done by women.

- Target of harassment: sexual, domestic, at work

- Discrimination in the workplace or in hiring

- 80% of recruiters consider it a major disadvantage to hire a pregnant woman.

- 130 million women and girls are victims of female genital mutilation.

"Wherever man has degraded woman, he has degraded himself" Charles Fourier

We often tend to think that in developed countries gender inequality is not present. But it is so entrenched that we don't notice it.

The stigmas of beauty

Too round, too thin, too small... So many preconceived ideas about feminine beauty, but what about masculine beauty? Here are some women who have the courage to fight against these stereotypes:

- Scarlett Costello, a model who assumes her unibrow and fights against the obligation and suffering of women through daily hair removal.

- Lizzy Howell, a young ballerina who breaks the codes of the prima ballerina.

- Nyakim Gatwech, a model who fights against racism in the modeling world

The general stigmas of women

In spite of the breathtaking advances that the Human Being has made, still today many women suffer from obstetric violence because the preconceived idea that women must give birth in suffering is very present in our society. A lack of consideration for the patient's discomfort during childbirth. Sexist remarks and insults. Medical acts performed without consent during childbirth (episiotomy, etc.).

Even today, and especially during these last confinements, many women have been refused or discouraged the right to abortion, which has nevertheless been authorized since 1975.

Shaeri, a brand committed to Women!

For the past year, Shaeri has been committed to the Maison des Femmes: 1% of the annual turnover is donated to this organization created in 1026 by Dr Ghada Hatem, who cares for and welcomes women victims of violence.

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